Why ?

Why incur additional fees to BSPs when you can access the API 0% markup costs?


Complimentary tool, solely pay for API usage.


Effortless third-party integrations.

Introducing WApopup

WApopup sends every message using the WhatsApp Cloud API, offering an inclusive WhatsApp marketing software solution. Our platform empowers you to connect with your customer base through WhatsApp, leveraging the official WhatsApp API for seamless communication. With WApopup, you can effortlessly:

Send WhatsApp bulk Messaging/Marketing broadcast messages.

Deliver transactional based messages.

Automate scheduled messages for optimal engagement

Track message delivery and performance metrics with comprehensive analytics.

Ensure compliance with WhatsApp's policies and regulations.

Provide reliable customer support to assist with any inquiries or issues

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Say Goodbye to Bans and High Costs!

Send messages the official way without fear of bans or high costs. WApopup allows direct use of the WhatsApp API, with billing managed by WhatsApp. Enjoy complete control over setup, usage, and billing, without pre-paying for credits or extra premiums.

WhatsApp Cloud API Pricing

The WhatsApp API operates on a paid basis, requiring a small fee for each conversation. Detailed pricing information is available on their Conversation-Based Pricing page.

It's important to note that billing for this API is handled directly by WhatsApp on their portal. When you upgrade to one of our paid plans, you're paying for our software tool's usage, excluding API charges.

Running your WhatsApp marketing campaigns with WApopup is a breeze.

How does it work?

Configure the WhatsApp Cloud API and create API credentials through the Meta for Developers portal. Once the credentials are generated, integrate them into WApopup.

Generate a message template using your WApopup dashboard and submit it for approval on WhatsApp. Upon approval, you may proceed to sneding this template with your contacts.

You can either manually input your contacts or import them in bulk via CSV file upload. Alternatively, add contacts from third-party applications using webhooks.

Create a fresh bulk marketing message or automated transactional message, and specify your preferred delivery method for the messaging.

Our Features

Unlock the full potential of your marketing strategy with our cutting-edge WhatsApp marketing software.

Official WhatsApp API to Send Messages

Avoid resorting to makeshift software solutions or expensive third-party BSPs. Opt instead for direct message sending using WhatsApp's official Cloud API, granting you complete command over the API's functionalities.

Group Marketing Messages

Deliver group of WhatsApp message to thousands of phone numbers simultaneously, using one of your pre-approved message templates. Send them instantly or schedule them for future delivery.

Send Transactional Messages

Send action-driven WhatsApp transactional messages that activate upon specific events, such as a new order, OTPs on your website or any other relevant activity.

Effortless Management of Message Templates

Generate and oversee message templates directly from the WApopup dashboard, then submit them to WhatsApp for review and approval.

Simplified Contacts Management

You can either manually add all your contacts, import them through a CSV file, or integrate them from third-party applications using Webhooks. Easily organize and manage your contacts through a streamlined Contacts dashboard.

Detailed Report & Analytics

Monitor sent, delivered, and read messages with comprehensive delivery reports exportable in CSV format. Keep tabs on message template analytics, including click-through rate and daily API usage costs.

Revolutionary Automations

Automate the delivery of greetings and away messages to your contacts, offering them the option to unsubscribe seamlessly and configuring unlimited keyword-triggered auto-replies.

WhatsApp Inbox

Comprehensive WhatsApp inbox enabling two-way communication for sending and receiving messages. Incorporate multi-user support for seamless addition of agents to handle conversations.

WhatsApp Flows

You can use Flows to book appointments, collect surveys, collect customer feedback, get new sales leads, or anything else where structured communication is more natural or comfortable for your customers.

Complete API Integration

Utilize our API integration feature to seamlessly add contacts or trigger notifications using our WhatsApp marketing software feature, directly from your website.

Start with WApopup today for Free!

Embark on your journey with WApopup today and discover its powerful features for free!